Emergency Management
Services provided in this area can include: operations reviews, incident command teams, planning and preparedness, managing the incident while maintaining “coverage” for new incidents, reviewing and developing response plans, review policy and assisting writing new policy, all hazard/risk incident management, Incident Command System (ICS) training and exercises, training evaluation, documentation of training.
Community Risk Reduction
Community Risk Reduction (CRR) are efforts in the form of programs, actions, and services to prevent or mitigate the loss of life and property, and the resources associated with the incident. CRR includes reducing risks from fire and other disasters to helping create and sustain fire-resistant communities. Help the fire departments protect the community and help the community to protect themselves, due to the potential of very limited resources available to help them directly.
Evacuation Planning
Emergency notification procedures and systems, social media, planning for evacuation from homes, businesses, and multi occupancy facilities such as care homes, hospitals, schools, and others. Developing escape route plans for use by emergency responders and the public. Evaluating escape routes based on fuel types, fuel density, and road widths. Mapping considerations, communications considerations with family or friends. Pre-planned methods, including shelter-in-place planning and implementation.
Post Incident Recovery
Plan ahead for the end of incident, safeguarding areas to protect the public and workers. Weather considerations based on type of incident, erosion control considerations. Hazardous materials identification and removal planning, and debris removal.
Emergency Operations Center
When to establish, where to locate, recommended participants, initial notification procedures. Level of staff representing department (agency representative). Training, logistical support, political considerations, media considerations.
911 Dispatching
Primary or secondary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), police – fire – joint, multi-agency dispatch centers, dispatching contract considerations, access to info (public, political, media), staffing levels, training, backup dispatch center planning, technology (CAD – CAD, data to “rip ‘n run” printers/pagers, Automated Vehicle Locating (AVL). Building and maintaining response plans for types of emergencies, law enforcement software/interfacing (California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System – CLETS), Chief Officer plans.